Opulentus Overseas Careers strictly adheres to the commitment of protecting its client\'s information, maintains a fraud protection policy and makes sure to cater to client\'s complaints; if any.
We recognize the importance of preserving integrity and maintaining confidentiality. Any personal information and/or business proprietary material that are disclosed will be kept highly confidential.
All information given to Opulentus by its prospective clients, is kept strictly confidential and on a need-to-know basis and is well protected. We record your personal details only if you send us a message. You can be assured that your personal information is used only by our trained staff for the work purpose that you engaged us to do.
We will not use your e-mail address for any purpose, and not disclose it without your permission. Your information is never used for marketing or solicitation and is never sold or given to anyone for these purposes.
Opulentus Overseas Careers never supplies any other person or organization with your information except those government agencies involved in your immigration process (e.g. Australian Immigration Authorities, DIAC or the Home office, UK, etc.).
You can register with our website if you would like to receive our catalogs or updates on our new services. Information you submit on our website will not be used for this purpose unless we receive your consent.
Keeping with the times our site features an online payment service which operates on the lines of Opulentus fraud protection policy to ensure our clients a hassle-free payment.
The site has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. We encrypt your personal and financial information and use our best efforts to prevent it from being read or intercepted as the information travels over the Internet. While we are committed to protect your information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us. In case the user has any complaint (s) regarding our services or processes then he/she can approach us and get registered the same.
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